Personal Injury: Accidents and Medical Malpractice
Our practices represent individuals in a variety of personal injury matters. With Dr. Paikoff's background as a physician as well as an attorney this gives clients the benefits of his medical expertise in their legal matters. This includes successful representation of clients in such areas as automobile accidents and medical malpractice. Dr. Paikoff's medical background combined with his over 20 years of legal experience allows for the rapid assessment of your personal injury matters. If you believe you have been injured in an accident or through medical malpractice please contact attorney Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144 as soon as possible due to statute of limitations issues.

Personal Injury: Pharmaceutical Products Liability
Pharmaceutical Products Liability has been a major area of our law practice for over 20 years. Dr. Lawrence Paikoff has successfully represented individuals injured by the Diet Drugs known as Fen-Phen, the cholesterol drug Baycol, and the arthritis drug Vioxx among many others. Fen-phen involved the recalled diet drugs Pondimin and Redux that the Mayo Clinic found to have caused serious heart valvular disease, as well as a serious heart/lung condition known as primary pulmonary hypertension. Baycol litigation involved the recalled cholesterol lowering drug Baycol that was found to have an alarmingly high rate of the serious muscle break-down condition rhabdomyolysis. This condition led to kidney failure and deaths among an unacceptably high number of Baycol users. Vioxx litigation involved the recalled arthritis medication that was found to cause heart attacks and ischemic strokes. With all these recalled medications there was a common theme, companies not heeding warnings and seriously injured users of their products. As an attorney who is also a board certified physician, Dr. Paikoff is in an unique position to assess whether an individual was injured by a recalled medication. If you or a loved one believe they have been injured by a medication, please contact attorney Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144.

Personal Injury: Medical Device Litigation
Medical Device Litigation has been another significant aspect of our law practice for over 20 years. Dr. Lawrence Paikoff has successfully represented individuals injured by the recalled defective Sulzer Hip and Knee joints, Depuy, Biomet and Wright Metal on Metal hips. He represented individuals that received contaminated heart valves that caused life threatening injuries. The complexity of the medicine required Dr. Paikoff's expertise as an attorney-physician to obtain the best possible results for our clients. Please contact attorney Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144.

Personal Injury: Food-Borne Illness
Food-borne illness is becoming a growing problem in this country. Either the lack of sufficient regulations or the enforcement of existing health regulations are believed to be the explanations for this growing problem. Recent outbreaks of Salmonella infection, from contaminated peanut products, are only the latest in a serious of such food-borne illness outbreaks. The E. Coli contaminated spinach outbreak also received national attention with numerous individuals becoming sick, and several deaths reported. As a former public health official, Dr. Lawrence Paikoff was involved with a major outbreak of Hepatitis A infection that was ultimately traced to food handlers. This background in public health combined with his extensive experience in products liability gives him a unique ability to evaluate potential food-borne illness cases. If you or a loved one believes you have been harmed by contaminated food products, please contact attorney Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144 as soon as possible.

Personal Injury: Vaccine Injury
The Law Offices of Lawrence Paikoff represents individuals who have been injured by vaccinations by pursuing claims under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. If you or a loved one have suffered an injury due to a vaccination, please contact attorney Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144 for a free consultation.
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Contact the Law Office of Lawrence S. Paikoff for a free consultation about your case!