Metal Hip Replacement

Depuy Pinnacle Hips

Have you experienced problems with your Depuy Pinnacle hip device following surgery? If the answer is yes, you may have certain legal rights.

There have been reports of failures of the metal on metal hip prosthesis known as Depuy Pinnacle Hips. Injuries include the need for revision surgery of the hip joint and metallosis (metal toxicity). Symptoms of metallosis, include hip or groin pain, difficulty walking, difficulty standing, inflammation, swelling, and/or cardiac toxicity. Moreover, loosening and/or failure of the metal hip replacement have also been reported.

If you believe you have been injured after being implanted with a Depuy Pinnacle hip device, please contact attorney-physician Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144.

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If you believe you have been injured in an accident or through medical malpractice please contact attorney Dr. Lawrence Paikoff by email with our form or call (530) 297-1144 as soon as possible due to statute of limitatons issues.